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O'Reilly vs. Olbermann et al. -- A Time For Truth

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 10:33 AM

For a long time now, liberals across the media--in the MSM, and here,
there, and everywhere in the blogosphere have been trying to hype the "meme" that MSNBC's Keith Olbermann is catching up, or even beating, FNC's Bill O'Reilly.

It's b.s. Here're the numbers, for Fox News, for MSNBC and also, for the fun of it, for CNN and CNN Headline News.

Last week (9/10-9/14), according to Nielsen Media Research, "The O’Reilly Factor" beat the cable-news competition--"Countdown," plus whoever is on CNN, plus that horrible harridan, Nancy Grace--combined in both Live and Live Plus Same Day. Below is a breakout of the 8 pm competition from 9/10-9/14 in both Live and Live Plus Same Day, (that is, including Tivo and the like).


O’Reilly: 2,282,000 viewers (486,000 25-54 demo)
CNN: 618,000 viewers (210,000)
Countdown: 781,000 viewers (287,000)
Nancy Grace: 644,000 (236,000)

Live Plus Same Day:

O’Reilly: 2,304,000 (496,000)
CNN: 619,000 (211,000)
Countdown: 860,000 (347,000)
Nancy Grace: 651,000 (243,000)

Those are the facts. Now Cable Gamer is not so dumb as to think that merely posting the unvarnished data will stop lefty Olbermannites from trying to continue to pimp the illusion of KO's Nielsen numbers, using whatever new tactics and stunts they might be able to think up. But of course, pimping is, by definition, not honest.

So TCG makes this pledge: So long as the Olber-pimps keep lying about The Cable Game ratings--I will keep telling the truth!

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