Radar has always been a Cable Game fave. Unfortunately, just as the magazine seems to come and go, in terms of existing and publishing, so, too, its content seems to flit on and offline.
The Cable Gamer, of course, believes that information should be free--she would never charge for her love of Cable Gaming!
But while this link will take you to a lot of good juicy stuff, about who's overrated, you have to buy the magazine. Warning: there's some strong language ahead, which, come to think of it, I am going to edit, because even if Keith Olbermann is a lowlife, I am going to keep The Cable Game on a higher level:
With his entertaining harangues against the Bush White House, Olbermann has positioned himself as the market beneficiary of liberal rage. But as Edward Murrow’s moral heir, he falls short. It’s impossible, for instance, to imagine Murrow boasting to a disagreeable viewer- as Olbermann did last year in a series of e-mails for which MSNBC brass ordered him to apologize- “By the way, with my new contract I could buy and sell you.” Or offering up such fine sentiments as “you couldn’t be stupider, wronger, or dumber if you were Ann Coulter’s c__.” Stay classy, San Diego!
And this:
CNN’s Bambi-eyed anchor has been anointed the media’s next golden boy- a compassionate, handsome heir to Rather, Brokaw, and Jennings. But his numbers tell a different story. “If I stood at my window naked, I would have more viewers,” scoffs an insider (who notes that Coop draws an even smaller audience than Aaron Brown, the man he replaced). But because he looks so pretty on the cover of Vanity Fair, his flaccid numbers haven’t diminished his standing at CNN (or rumors of a Tom Ford-bottled, Cooper-inspired fragrance).
I must say, Radar is worth it!