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AP on FBN--Thumbs Up!

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 | 8:18 AM

The Associated Press's Jeremy Herron files a thoughtful assessment of the first day of Fox Business News. And what his sources told him was pretty good. Here, for example, is the verdict of Robert Thompson, professor of television and popular culture at Syracuse University:

"They went on the air, played it straight and people were giving information whenever I tuned in - that's about as successful as you can be on your first day,"

And here's the word from Porter Bibb, managing partner at Mediatech Capital Partners:

"They said they wanted to entertain people and I think they're succeeding."

The photo above shows FBN morning co-anchor Jenna Lee, courtesy of The Charlotte Observer, which, among many other papers, of course, ran Jeremy's full story.

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