Every now and then we Outside-The-Beltway types get a glimpse of how things really work in Washington--and it's always interesting, if sometimes disturbing.
A case in point is the fast chute that exists among liberals. It's always been kind of a mystery to me, how news could go so quickly from one lefty beehive to all the other lefty beehives. But now I am getting a better understanding, thanks to White House press secretary Dana Perino. Here she is--looking cute as a button, as always--responding to reporters' questions on Monday about possible administration action to forestall Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Note the prominent role, in the liberal food chain, that Dana assigns to CNN:
Look, you know, I'm glad you brought it up. Every two months or so, Sy Hersh writes an article in The New Yorker magazine, and CNN provides him a forum in which to talk about his article and all the anonymous sources that are quoted in it.
Thanks CNN! You are officially now on the same ideological team as Hersh and The New Yorker. Which is to say, whenever any of you have the chance to side with American non-proliferation, or side with the helping the nuclear weapons-building terrorists--you always lean toward the terrorists!