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"Fox Business Network blazes new trail" -- CNBC and Wall Street vs. FBN and Main Street

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 | 7:01 PM

That was the headline across USA Today, which, of course, knows something about blazing new journalistic trails.

Speaking of trailblazers, here's another one speaking: "CNBC is a financial channel for Wall Street. We're for Main Street." And that was Rupert Murdoch, last month, talking about the difference between CNBC and Fox Business News.

USA Today's David Lieberman provides a fascinating take on FBN, thanks to Neil Cavuto and also a blast from Cable Games past, Myron Kandel.

Cavuto, the anchor-in-chief for FBN, added a future-oriented tidbit, suggesting that FBN's investigative reporting would be oriented toward investigating the government:

"We will focus a lot more on policy and policymaking and following people's tax dollars and how they're spent. These are going to be superseding issues for this network."

Now that's something that you never saw from CNBC--although, of course, given CNBC's imitative track record, Cable Gamers shouldn't be surprised to see CNBC go scurrying off with some whistle-blowing investigation, however half-hearted it might be.

Also Lieberman snagged some insight from a venerable TV figure: Myron Kandel, CNN's founding financial editor, who told the paper:

"There's definitely an audience out there for business news that's relevant to the desire of individual Americans to be informed about investments, interest rates, employment trends, retirement issues, college and home costs."

That sounds like good advice to me. Now we'll have to see who gets their firstest with the mostest--and whether, over at CNBC, Erin Burnett will once again beat out Maria Bartiromo.

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