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Campbell Brown Discovers the High Price of Loyalty--And Decides That CNN Isn't Worth It

Written By mista sense on Monday, October 1, 2007 | 6:55 PM

I wonder what CNN prexy Jon Klein is thinking about his new hire, Campbell Brown? I think I know: Klein is thinking to himself, "Campbell, you bitch! We pay you all this money, give you a primetime showcase on our network, rescuing you from a dead-end gig at NBC, and yet you throw us under the media bus before you get on the air!"

Probably something like that is going through Klein's mind. Here's the back story on Klein vs. Campbell, as reported by The St. Petersburg Times' hardhitting media pundit, Eric Deggans: It seems that Brown was scheduled to speak at an event today at the University of South Florida.

But Deggans and other journalists were told that Brown would not be answering any questions from reporters. In other words, Brown is going to whisk down to south, offer a speech of platitudes about "giving back," and then pack herself to New York City. Which is to say, Brown is dodging possible questions about public policy, as well as questions about the media--such, as for example, why and how CNN is part of the Media Matter-ized lynch mob against Bill O'Reilly and now, Rush Limbaugh. No, Brown won't be answering any questions.

But here's where it gets interesting: As Deggans made plain in his original report, Brown was determined to put the blame for her silence on her new employer, CNN, as opposed to herself. Don't blame me, she hinting strongly, blame those suits, led by Klein, up at the CNN Center in Atlanta and at the Time-Warner Center in Manhattan.

Why would CNN do this? Easy. They want to "save" her for the rollout in November, and also, of course, they want to make sure that she has had enough time to adequately internalize all the CNN propaganda.

Later on Monday, Deggans updated his blog-posting:

Campbell herself told me today its her new employer, CNN, which seems to have promised exclusives to certain news organizations barring her from commenting to anyone else until those stories are published. Which is their right. But also places one of CNN's top journalists in the hypocritical position of giving public speeches but refusing to talk with the press before or afterward.

In other words, buzz off local press corps. Translation: Don't call us, we'll call you--when we think you can help us! Not a very good attitude to begin the new phase of Brown's career.

And so Deggans concludes:

Don't know why that bugs me so much. But bug me, it does....

Speaking of "bugged," Klein must be more than a little irked--and stained. Brown's desire to keep any blame for attempted media manipulation from sticking to her means that she wiped it off herself and wiped it onto Klein.

Thanks, Campbell, the notorioiusly thin-skinned Klein must be thinking to himself. There's little doubt in The Cable Gamer's mind that he will find a way to get his revenge on her.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship--not!

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