But don't take The Cable Gamer's word for it, about CNBC being at sea. Here's the headline atop blogger Chris Roush's piece, posted earlier today: "CNBC can’t decide between Wall Street or Main Street."
After recalling that CNBC had long spun itself as a NYC-oriented investor's network, Roush recently noted the network's sudden attempt to broaden its appeal, shifting to the homey language of "Main Street." Roush asks:
So, why is it that CNBC is increasingly putting a “Main Street” focus on its coverage?
And then Roush suggests the answer:
Could it be that Fox Business Network — which will launch on Monday — has the leader running scared because it says it will focus on business news for “Main Street”?
Roush is blogging for a group that the Cable Gamer had not heard of before: The Society of American Business Editors and Writers, or SABEW.
Well, Chris Roush and SABEW, welcome to the Cable Game! The more the merrier!