Can anyone spell at the Columbia Journalism School? Can anyone fact check? Apparently not. More to the point, they do't seem to care. I guess that's how arrogant they are up in Manhattan--not that I would ever detect such arrogance in the MSM, which relies so heavily on Columbia's J School.
The Columbia Journalism Review, the allegedly distinguished media chronicler published by Columbia University, runs a regular feature called "Darts and Laurels." You know, "darts" for the bad guys, "laurels" for the good guys.
So I wonder if CJR will give itself a dart for this embarrassingly erroneous story, in which Liz Cox Barrett, identified as a writer for the magazine, couldn't manage to correctly spell the name of the person she was repeatedly lambasting, for alleged bad journalism--in this case, Fox News anchor Steve Doocy. You see, it's Doocy, not "Doocey," as Ms. Barrett miswrote six times in the piece.
More screamingly, as Cable Gamers can see from squinting at the screen-grab, featured above, CJR posted the story at 9:58 a.m. ET on Thursday, and as of the time of this posting, about 9 p.m. ET, nobody had caught the error, and nobody had bothered to change it. Again, if you squint, you can see "Doocey," as of Thursday evening. Although, of course, for all The Cable Gamer knows, CJR will leave it like that forever.
Maybe they're lazy at CJR, maybe they're careless, maybe their stupid. Most likely, they are just so arrogant that it's sort of beneath them to check their facts, especially concerning Fox News. After all, THEY know the truth, up there at CJR, and they are willing to share it with the hoi polloi, just so long as the masses don't ask too many questions.
Well, Ms. Barrett & CJR, the blogosophere is asking questions.
Including this one:
How can we trust you if you can't get basic facts right?
UPDATE: As of 11 a.m. ET on Friday--more than 24 hours after the initial post-- CJR still hadn't bothered to correct its error.