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I Do Actually Speak To Real People Sometimes

Written By mista sense on Thursday, October 18, 2007 | 7:37 AM

So my interview with Anna Kang is up on Gamasutra, in which she talks about how she and John Carmack got the idea to make a Doom cell phone game, in addition to the new Orcs & Elves franchise coming to DS. She wants sheep to be able to travel through portals and bite you if you try and eat them. It was a fun one, and a cute read. Apparently one of the hazards of being married to John Carmack is that he will bring two computers to the hotel room on the honeymoon so that he can code during it. Yes, he really did.

UPDATE: After Kotaku teased them about John playing on the honeymoon, I thought it prudent to mention that he also made her complete pen-and-paper RPG games often on her birthdays, to play with their friends. Is that romantic, or what?

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