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John Gibson Rips Olbermann, OK. But Gibbie Gobbles Gabler, Too! Man Bites Fox!!

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 | 9:03 AM

It's not overly surprising when Fox News' John Gibson rips into MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. That's standard inter-network Cable Gaming.

But listen to what Gibson has to say says about FNC "News Watch" panelist Neal Gabler. Calls him all sorts of names, starting with "low life."

Now Gabler is about as left-wing--and, many would say, obnoxious--a figure as there is in The Cable Game. Yet there he is, every weekend, popping off on Fox.

Yes, Fox is heavy with O'Reilly and Hannity, but the channel makes room for Gabler, too--and then, of course, for Gibson to blast Gabler. Gibson routinely invites Gabler on the show; I hope that Gabler takes him up on it.

Say what you wish about Fox--they really do mean it when they say, "fair and balanced."

And it's interesting, as Gibson observes, that Media Matters never takes note of what Gabler says, in all its endless/tendentious fine-toothing of every word that is said on Fox. MM is listening, and recording, but not writing up.

Why not? Here's why. Because a left-winger blasting the right--and, frequently, Fox News itself--doesn't fit MM's preconceived ideo-partisan template, which holds that FNC is in the tank for the Bush admininistration and the neocons.

Thanks, of course, to Johnny Dollar for catching this audio item!

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