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Let's Go Where The Action Is (Or Isn't)

Written By mista sense on Friday, October 5, 2007 | 5:11 AM

If you caught last week's Aberrant Gamer, you know I've been intrigued lately by the ways that multiplayer games -- you know, games and persistent worlds where the characters have real people behind them -- add another dimension to the game experience, and a whole slew of complicated issues right along with it. You know how you can develop attachment to, even affection for, avatars of fictional characters (Big Boss, I love you). But what does it mean if there're real people behind the characters?

So this week, I decided to go and hang with the inhabitants of a sex MMO and document my (mis)adventures. Hilarity ensues, because I do end up making out with the guy in this picture. Check it out!

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