Is Maria Bartiromo trying to insulate herself from the "blowback" that came Chris Matthews' way in the wake of his thuggish remarks at a DC party last week?
That was the chatter on "Fox & Friends," which consistently amazes me with its incisive commentary on Beltway politics, as well as what's happening in the media industry. Yes, Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade live way outside of Washington, and yes they keep the show light and airy--with plenty of showbiz-y guests and "how to" segments, but at the same time, the Terrific Trio is always able to keep their collective 30 fingers on the pulse of DC, as well as NYC.
The Cable Gamer has always understood that "F&F" is the show most after Roger Ailes' own heart--that is, it's the show that most reflects his own personality: funny and fast-moving, entertaining, but at the same time, makes serious points.
Alas, TCG can't watch everything, and so, thanks to blogger Johnny Dollar, I was able to catch Gretchen, Steve, and Brian analyzing Bartiromo's behavior pattern. And you can, too!
And this item, from TV Newser, illustrates the lengths that Maria is willing to go to try to soften her image. As an aside, it's bad enough that MB would seek to puff herself up like this--but it's worse that TVN would "print" it: "Bartiromo's Busy Week"?
What kind of headline is that? What sort of news is that? Who doesn't have a busy week in The Cable Game? For her part, when TCG has nothing to say, she is silent as Nefertiti--you know, the famous bust, in which the ancient Egyptian queen has gazed at us, coolly, for three thousand years. I don't feel the need to fill in the empty spaces with empty filler. But as discussed here in the past, TVN doesn't see things that way. They use seemingly everything, and that makes the site busy (which is good), but cluttered (which is bad) and leaves one thinking that maybe p.r. types overly influence the site (which is really bad).