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Mark Levin Was Right! -- Come On, Media Matters, Sue Him!! Inquiring Minds Want To Discover The Hillary Clinton Connection!!!

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 | 11:21 AM

So is Hillary Rodham Clinton part of the vast left-wing conspiracy? It sure seems that way! But don't take my word for it--look and listen to Clinton herself
talking about helping to start up various liberal groups, including Media Matters.

On Sunday, The Cable Gamer took note of what Mark Levin's words about Media Matters. Not to put too fine a point on it, Levin accused MM of being a bunch of criminals. In other words, he practically begged MM to sue him for libel. Why? Because as Levin said last week, during the course of that lawsuit, the "discovery" process would open up a lot of cans of a lot of worms, about possible IRS violations by MM. That was Levin's claim; the fact that there's been no law suit from MM suggests that maybe Levin had it pegged.

And now it's interesting--another data point--to hear Hillary bragging about her role in the creation of MM, among other liberal groups, as captured by The Washington Times:

"We are righting the balance ... and really putting together a network in the blogosphere and a lot of the new progressive infrastructure, institutions that I helped start and support like Media Matters and the Center for American Progress."

It seems to the Cable Gamer that these words of Hillary's are, if not quite a smoking gun, then a pretty good indicator that there's some legal fire under this political smoke.

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