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My Civic Duty

Written By mista sense on Friday, October 26, 2007 | 4:42 PM

Haven't posted the past couple days, because I was called to the NYC Supreme Court to sit in a jury pool. What you do is you sit in a room all day with some 200 other people while they call names at random every so often. If your name is called, you go in a courtroom and sit in a jury box and then they ask you some questions to find out whether you can be impartial on the case. "Yes," I said, after a barrage of excuses and some hesitant pauses that I intended to decimate counsel's confidence in my faculties. It worked, and I am home!

Actually, I woulda really liked to serve, but I've got a lot to do at work right now. In honor of my stint as a vital component of the Justice System, I bring you this clip, in which the Honorable Judge Judy discovers what WoW is -- and how it has broken up yet another relationship. [Via Gamebrink]

For me, it was an enormously productive day at Portal of Ruin.

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