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Reuters on Fox Business News

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 | 10:52 AM

Reuters offers a pretty good little video news service, featuring, among others the lovely and lively Bobbi Rebell. Here, she gets some good stuff out of FBN's Neal Cavuto.

Whenever I listen to Neal, I usually find myself nodding in agreement. As in, I think, "I knew that." But of course, it was Neal saying it first that got me thinking it! And so, for example, in the course of telling Bobbi that FBN would be "jargon free," he gives a terrific f'rinstance. Is the mortgage market in "meltdown," as we keep hearing? Well, no, Neal sez, 96 percent of mortgages are being paid on time. That's news, that 4 percent are delinquent, but that no meltdown.

And that's the sort of calm insight that we expect from Neal, and now from FBN. And hurray for Rebell and Reuters, for simply letting Neal speak!

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