Herman Cain (yay!) squares off with Ellis Henican (boo!), and then Jim Pinkerton (yay, too!) squares off Ellen Ratner (boo, too!), on the subject of Matthews-gate. That is, the bias against Republicans shown by Chris Matthews. And all Cable Game-cheering and razzing aside--I love you both, Ellis and Ellen, for your plucky good humor, even if it's not always intentional!--Matthews deserves a genuine booing for his boorish bias. And he also deserves to be bounced from tomorrow night's GOP presidential debate.
Not that the MSM seems to care. Happily, the rest of us have
Johnny Dollar to keep track of everything!
PS: The Cable Gamer just had a thought. Why not replace Matthews, as a debate co-moderator, with Erin Burnett? It would be fun to see the all-about-Eve-y Burnett butting elbows, and maybe heads, with the other debate moderator, Maria Bartiromo. If so, the fireworks would not be contained just to the Republican debaters.