Blogger Cory Bergman of Lost Remote reports that CNN is making a jump into virtual reality. Bergman makes note of this, and then makes a pretty good point at the end--this v.r. technology will be a lot better if it is blended into existing social networks or games:
Reuters did this a long time ago, and now CNN is opening a bureau and a bunch of kiosks in Second Life in an effort to solicit more user content for iReport. Just about everyone I know who created an avatar on Second Life have moved on, but I think virtual spaces have tremendous merit as the technology improves — especially if merged with Facebook or an Xbox Live environment.
The Cable Gamer sees virtual reality as A Next Big Thing, but it might not be THE Next Big Thing because the technology is so radical. I think that people are going to have to ease into it, through some sort of hybrid of "live" and "virtual."