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Fred Thompson, Whiner, Loser--And Worst Of All Bill Clinton Imitator!

Written By mista sense on Sunday, November 25, 2007 | 2:11 PM

So Fred Thompson is now attacking Chris Wallace for being unfair!

It was the same Wallace, of course, the dogged but mild-mannered anchor of "Fox News Sunday," who was so famously YouTubed by Bill Clinton earlier this year. But even then, Wallace kept his cool.

Now Thompson is doing the same thing, attacking Wallace, although don't ask me why. I mean, for Clinton, maybe, the attack made some sense, insofar as Bill was trying to reinforce Hillary Clinton's standing with the left-wing-crazy Fox-hating base of the Democratic Party. But how is Thompson going to be helped, in his campaign, by attacking Fox?

Beats me.

Ironically, despite being an actor, Thompson's attack on Wallace wasn't nearly as theatrical as Clinton's. Once again, I don't worry about Chris--he'll be fine. And fireworks, of course, are fun for Cable Gamers. It's just a strange campaign strategy for Thompson, that's all, given the primacy of Fox News to so many activist politicos.

Even more ironically, it's worth recalling that it was Thompson's appearance on "FNS" back in Marchthat touched off the whole Thompson-for-President boomlet in the first place. Talk about ingratitude!

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