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The Handheld Spoils Me

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 | 11:10 AM

I put down Mario Galaxy shortly after picking it up because my Wii remote needed new batteries again, and since then all I've been able to do is play Symphony of the Night on my PSP (which indicates that my determined quest to conquer Rondo of Blood is succeeding, with much sweat and tears). Granted, I'm pretty fatigued this week, but it seems less and less I've been able to plant my ass in front of the television and concentrate on something new. Even though I replaced the batteries and don't really have any excuse for deferring to a game I've bought three different times now.

Has anyone found that since the advent of really good portable gameplay, they find the console feels like more work, somehow? Or am I just becoming one of those old-people (shudder) minimal-engagement players?

Nah, no, I'm just tired. Mario Galaxy is a memetic orgasm; I'll get back to it shortly. Meanwhile, if I'm light on posts through the Thanksgiving holiday, assume I'm just sleeping through the week.

The pic is some limited-edition Swarovski crystal DS Lite cover that was at the Nintendo World store I think early this year, among others going for $599 or something like that ($599 FOR A VIDEO GAME SYSTEM IS CRAZY!!). Girl can dream, right? Meanwhile, I am so getting up early a few days from now to make sure I get one of these. I am a sucker for things with Triforce on them, unless it's neckbearded dudes with Triforce back tattoos.

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