Does CNN care about getting the story straight, or does it just want to slime its rivals? Now we know the answer: CNN is pushing its liberal agenda.
From the moment I first saw Willie Horton on CNN just now, I knew that CNN would use Campbell Brown's special as an excuse to attack Roger Ailes and the Fox News Channel.
And of course, CNN Prexy Jon Klein couldn't resist the opportunity to turn a special on negative campaign advertising into an opportunity to trash Ailes and Fox, reaching all the way back to 1988, in the presidential campaign of George H.W. Bush vs. Michael Dukakis.
CNN and Klein's mouthpiece, Campbell, were happy to make it seem ss if the formal Bush presidential campaign was behind the "Willie Horton" advertisement,when, in fact, that particular spot--the one showing Horton's pic--was done by an independent expenditure campaign group, "Americans for Bush," led by Floyd Brown. And that Brown, Floyd, had no connection to the Bush campaign back in '88.
But CNN was happy to quote Dukakis saying, in a recent interview: “For George Bush and the people around him to use it was racist and despicable.” Clever wording from Dukakis: "George Bush and the people around him." That's a pretty loose phraseology, huh? But CNN, of course, made no attempt to clarify or correct Dukakis.
And then CNN piled on by quoting David Schwartz, some sort of film historian, saying that the Bush campaign engaged in “outright lies or at best gross misrepresentations.”
And then, to pile on, CNN quoted Stephanie Cutter, John Kerry's 2004 campaign spokesperson, saying that--yup, you knew it was coming--Fox News was in bed with "right wing bloggers."
No fairness, no balance, and certainly no discussion of CNN's close connections to the Democrats and to liberals.