My nearest and dearest are well aware that I despise talking on the telephone, but when I got a chance to interview John Carmack I pretty much got over it. I'd
recently interviewed his wife, Anna Kang, about the mobile and DS games the power couple has been developing, and now that they've launched a subdivision of Id dedicated to mobile phone and handheld gaming, I spoke to them both. We actually ran the interview in two parts --
the main interview is here, in which we talk about the new mobile division, the
Wolfenstein portable game they're working on, and why Carmack likes Nintendo a bit better now (and might maybe make a Wii version of
Orcs & Elves)! The second part is an excerpt that focuses on Carmack's
thoughts on the evolution of PC gaming, and why the space that is unique to PC games seems to be getting smaller.
I also asked them what their first date was, but you'll have to read the interview to see what they did.