Something really awful happened; when I picked up the game last night, I was stumbling through it, missing beats, falling on my butt. I couldn't figure out what was going on -- how had I lost my touch? Especially when I'd take a hit for a beat that I know I hit. So I grabbed my friend's DS and, on a hunch, gave it a try:
Same level I was biting at a second ago, perfect score. Alas, it seems I've scribbled my DS to near-death in less than a year. Another thing messing with my friend's system showed me was that I'm habituated to whacking the touchscreen way harder than it needs to be, in general. So, downside is I need to go and get a new one, but the upside is I've been performing well at EBA on a poor-sensitivity screen for so long it was totally like on Dragonball Z when Goku trains in high gravity atmospheres to get really powerful for battles on earth. That's right; I'm a dork. Next stop is beating all my high scores on a new DS.
Anyone else ever worn out a DS before? Scribble too much? What would you say the lifespan of that thing is, in general?