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Turkey Carving

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 | 4:43 AM

So how was your holiday, folks? I had possibly the lamest Thanksgiving ever, as I'd planned to skip cooking and order out, only to find that, despite no indication to that effect, the place I'd planned to order from was freaking closed for the very first time since I've lived here in Manhattan. I therefore ended up eating nothing special at all. To salve my boohooing, I bought myself this:This is one of those limited-edition U.S.-only (for once!) DS bundles Nintendo announced last week. As you know, I wore out my old DS, and managed to rationalize quite effectively why buying a brand new one was better than having the old one fixed for free under warranty. I'm a sucker for colors. This arrived in the mail yesterday, and it's real nice -- new car gold.

I also played Trauma Center: New Blood, which makes me giddy for a number of reasons. First and foremost, anyone know that this is?Pff, only my favorite game ever as a kid. My version for my Mac Quadra wasn't color, though. I have a preference for console gaming these days, but when I was a bitty kiddo, I was pretty much strictly a computer kind of girl. Anyway, I had gotten a four-volume comprehensive World Book medical encyclopedia out of my grandparents' garage, and pretty much read it cover-to-cover because I was so excited by this game -- Life & Death, the point-and-click operation sim from The Software Toolworks. It was way gorier than Trauma Center.

I wanted to punch this Medical Chief in the face.I also thought that playing it qualified me to perform genuine operations, despite the game's strong assertion to the contrary. If anyone ever needs an appendectomy, I'm really good at Life & Death!The surgeons you'd have to choose to support your operations all had elaborate relationship histories. If you picked aides who didn't like each other due to a business deal gone sour or a failed romance, they'd give you terse advice only when absolutely necessary, instead of supporting you constructively. When you were making a diagnosis, you'd have to click your hand all over the patient's belly to find out where the pain was, clued in by their responses ("You hit a tender spot," or "Feels fine.") If you groped the patient too much, they'd eventually give you "I think that's enough, Doctor!" And, "Are you really a doctor?" Then I grew up to write about perv video games. Go figure.

Anyway, Trauma Center: New Blood is pretty fun, though Life & Death was way, way harder. Someone's clearly been watching House, too, as the opening theme is a pretty good facsimile, and so are the personal dramas of the rakish, handsomely disheveled medical staff.

[Pictures nicked from the inimitable InsertCredit].

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