I don't know; seems like more and more lately, when I'm dealing with a certain portion of the gaming audience, their behavior, the words they use, their knee-jerk reactions, sort of upset and amaze me. Dude, calm down; it's just Fire Emblem. I work in the Land of the Internet; these days, most of my communication with anyone and everyone is conducted primarily online, and not just regarding games (sometimes I can be bothered to pay attention to, y'know, the one or two other interests I have). And I don't see anyone, in any community, act the way that gamers do, except maybe as regards politics. And even discussing politics, people attempt, in general, to be more thoughtful and civil.
Present company excluded, of course! For the rest of you, read this week's column. Oh yeah, and happy 100,000 hits, SVGL!
[Pic's Yukari and Osaka from Azumanga Daioh, just 'cause.]