Year-end is toplist time, and since we're doing a neat series of editor top fives over at Gamasutra (see Simon's top downloadable games, for example) my Aberrant Gamer is doing double duty this week and next. This week, I picked out five characters of the year that I thought were significant or thought-provoking in gaming. It's obviously not a perfect list -- for example, has Wesker ever looked so cool as he does in Umbrella Chronicles? Those Galaxy Lumas are super cute! But I tried to zero in on those that I thought were not only gear-turning as characters, but who reflected an advancement on the way we've traditionally seen characterization in the medium. This has been a hell of a year for gaming, and I think we're all learning a lot of things. So check it out!
The reason I generally don't care for doing toplists is there's always some portion of the audience who thinks that your list is meant to be the be-all, end-all, and that you're proposing some undebatable, iron-clad perfect truth. There's always someone who will say, "BUT YOU FORGOT [insert element here]," or, "Hmm, no [insert obscure character here]?" I am merely one writer, and this is merely my opinion. What do you guys think -- who would you add to the list?
[I dunno who drew this picture, but if it's you, complain for credit!]