So MSNBC has a new strategy for its third-rated channel: Attack first-rated Fox News all the time. Very interesting.
The Cable Gamer understands that the fight for ratings sometimes means throwing elbows. And that's fine; indeed, such elbowing helps make the Cable Game as fun as it is. But as ace blogger Johnny Dollar explains over on YouTube, MSNBC has taken elbow-throwing to new sharpness.
And here, at Phillyburbs.com is a new blogger, Eric G, that I was not familiar with, who goes into such great detail, in a piece headlined, "Whaaa, Fox News is better than me" that I am going to quote it at great length:
Is it just me or is someone on MSNBC talking about Fox News every five minutes? MSNBC’s morning show, “Morning Joe” features news anchor-wannabe Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough constantly taking pot shots at Fox. Keith Olbermann’s nightly “Worst Person of the Week” is usually someone associated with Fox. Don’t believe me, just check out his homepage on MSNBC.com today where he attacks a Fox publicist. Failed news director Dan Abrams makes Fox the nightly subject of his rants on his segment, “Beat the Press.” I hear Fox News so much on MSNBC that sometimes I am not sure I’m on the right channel.
It is amazing because just about everyone on MSNBC will blast Fox as an “attack machine.” Yet rarely do I ever hear Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, or Neil Cavuto going on the attack and nitpicking everything MSNBC does. As a matter of a fact it is rare to hear them mention MSNBC at all.
I am an equal opportunity viewer when it comes to my news and politics. However there is something that gets old real fast when it comes to snotty news anchors nitpicking at every, little thing that their competition who is crushing them in the ratings is doing. Fox fan or not, it is actually quite a turn off after awhile and it comes across like a bunch of jealous school kids who sit at the table in lunch making fun of the other kids who won’t play with them.
In an unintentionally funny moment last week on Dan Abrams’ show, Abrams went off on his usual nitpick of a minor error on a Fox News broadcast. We aren’t talking about anything groundbreaking other than Fox putting the wrong name underneath the person speaking on a video feed. In a surreal moment in the next segment Dan introduced his guest and the camera went on the wrong person and stayed there for a few moments. The irony of it all is I didn’t hear a blip about this on Fox News television or radio. Nobody cares and that is the saddest fact of all.
Hey Dan, they may have screwed up a byline but you screwed up an entire network. Great job as news director, how about some more Paris Hilton discussions.
The bitter pill of hypocrisy was swallowed a few weeks ago prior to a Republican debate. Fox, along with other outlets questioned the choice of Chris Matthews hosting the debate. Fox not only accused Matthews of being openly partisan but played comments from a recent speech backing it up. Fox questioned the integrity of the debate and had opinions discussed from both sides of the board.
You would have thought that Fox called for the head of Chris Matthews the following day on MSNBC. All of the above suspects went on a tirade the next day calling Fox an attack machine and questioning how dare they even try and make it a story. This is the same network that attacked Fox for making the Imus controversy a story, yet they were having 20 minute segments on every one of their shows talking about it. Don’t believe me? Check out the following You Tube clips. ...
John Gibson of Fox finally responded to the months of brow beating that Fox has taken on MSNBC. It probably was not the wisest move because anyone can twist anything to suit their own opinions. However, in my opinion Gibson was on the mark with his response to MSNBC, and Dan Abrams specifically for the hypocrisy they have been spreading for months in regards to Fox. ...
The bottom line is that I don’t need to take my cue from geeky, arrogant, snobby, cocky news anchors trying to look hip making fun of their competition. I really could care less about whether someone missed their cue or mispronounced a name in a story. That kind of stuff is only funny when Emmitt Smith does it on Sundays and Mondays. When you constantly attack someone for being an attack machine you look rather small and pathetic. There is a reason your network is in the tank, nobody (but me apparently) is watching, and you replaced your news director in a last ditch effort to fix the mess.
Now go home and get your freaking shinebox Danny!