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"Fox News Channel's evening news show provided more balanced coverage than its counterparts on the broadcast networks"

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 | 2:20 PM

I report, you decide:

"The study also found that Fox News Channel's evening news show provided more balanced coverage than its counterparts on the broadcast networks."

There you have it--not from me, not from Fox, but from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

The Politico is that cool newspaper with incredibly insider-y political coverage. And here's a Cable Game-y item presented in full:

RELEASE OF THE DAY, from the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University: "TV election news has been hardest on Hillary Clinton this fall, while Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee have been the biggest media favorites, according to a new study … . The study also found that Fox News Channel's evening news show provided more balanced coverage than its counterparts on the broadcast networks."

Stay tuned, now, for the counter-onslaught from the likes of Media Matters, FAIR, etc.

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