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Profiles In Courage--Keith Olbermann Style

Written By mista sense on Monday, December 17, 2007 | 9:55 PM

Keith Olbermann is a very brave man. How do we know? He tells us so!

I mean he's not so brave that he, say, volunteered to serve in the military, or even to be, maybe, a volunteer fireman. Instead, Olbermann tells us, he nearly quit over MSNBC's running commentary, back in 2003, from controversial conservative talker Michael Savage. But you see, Olbermann didn't actually quit. And he kept his courage a secret for more than four years, before sharing his tale of heroism with Bill Moyers.

Here's the way Think Progress, a liberal group in DC, sums up the story, totally accepting Olbermann's spin, that he was, and is, a Man of Conscience:

Olbermann: I Nearly Left MSNBC In 2003 Over Michael Savage’s ‘Spattering Invective’

On PBS’ Bill Moyers Journal this past Friday, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann criticized right-wing radio host Michael Savage, who had a show on MSNBC in 2003. Olbermann recounted how he nearly walked off the set of his Countdown show once when MSNBC told him to run a commentary by Savage.

Describing why he was opposed to including the segment, Olbermann said Savage’s show was “basically just spattering invective on people he didn’t like“:

MSNBC hired a guy named Michael Savage. And he came on and did– not only did he do a show once a week that was basically just spattering invective on people he didn’t like and these people change from week to week, but it was terribly produced. I mean, it was an awful show.

Someday, maybe, Olbermann & Co. will run into some real heroes that they might compare themselves to. But until then, KO can pat himself on the back for ALMOST quitting his job. Almost.

Instead, he stuck around and got a big raise.

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