I've said before I sometimes pay attention to the search terms people are Googling to get to SVGL, hoping that they find what they want here. That's the whole reason, of course, behind "The SVGL Collection" of Persona 3 hentai, and now I am called to action again. For some reason, someone has been googling "sexy shopkeeper in game" almost daily for two weeks. That's not a tall order, is it?

I had an appreciative eye for cute ladies in games even when I was a young kid. Little girls are fascinated with the images of women they may someday become; while other kids wanted to be Barbie nurses or something, my idol was a shopkeeper from the TG-16 CD version of Ys Book I & II. When I say that's my favorite RPG of all time, I'm perfectly aware that's utter pigheaded sentimentality, but I'd still sell my soul if it'd only appear on U.S. virtual console. Anyway, I sadly cannot find the sixteen bit shop photo of the blue-haired shopkeeper who sells some very expensive stuff at the foot of the ice mountain, but I have always remembered her. For years, I had Barbies named Zalem. That is her name, and I did find her as she appears in the I & II remake, Ys Eternal. So there you go, Mr. Sexy Shopkeeper In Game-searcher.
For the person who wants "sexy virtual dolls dress up free games online", try this fascinating exercise, or this one; for the person who wants "pimp mario", it's here, for the person searching for "sexy videos for seeing," I don't think you need my help, and for the guy who searches "i want sexy vedeo of all bollywood heroine," there's nothing I can do for you.