The Cable Gamer doesn't pretend to be much of a techie. But she has been struck by the cool look of Fox Business News, and she keeps seeing articles, like this one, from TV Technology.com, that explain what's going on, behind the camera, so that what's in front of the camera looks so bright and shiny.
I wish I were better equipped, intellectually, to wade through information such as this:
In its HD studios, FBN uses 11 Ikegami HD HDK-725P portable HD cameras to capture on-air talent. These portable HD cameras are equipped with an assortment of HD lenses, including six Canon Compact DigiSuper 22XS HD lenses (XJ22x7.3BIE-D). This new category of lenses was designed by Canon to have a compact size relative to HD portable cameras, making them better suited to studio use.
The sets are complemented by visual displays from two Christie HD projectors, four 103-inch Panasonic plasma monitors, a circular LED display that wraps around a structural column, and a wall of flat-panel displays. Multiple displays of video and graphics can be arranged onto the large-screen monitors on the set by a Vista Spyder video processing system for greater visual impact.