When I downloaded
Dragon's Curse on Virtual Console
and beat it, I was so pleased as almost to mist up, as it was a victory that had eluded me in my clumsy gaming youth. Last night's conquering of
Phantasy Star II was even more satisfying. I was
fixated on it as a kid, but lacked the mastery of hardcore RPG mechanics -- and the patience for level-grinding -- necessary to get me through those final two bosses. But I did it, man, literally 17 years from the first time I ever picked up the game. The child in me rejoices.
There are actually quite a few such unconquered classics in my long, long gaming history. I really lack patience when it comes down to things, and my chronic habit of abandoning the vast majority of games right at the final boss is a topic I'll treat at length another time. But to wind back in time a bit and tie some of those loose ends is enormously satisfying. Also,
Phantasy Star II is fucking hardcore. Time to play the third one, now.