So I managed to take some blurry little cell phone pictures of the amateurish handicrafts I made out of my Christmas-present Sculpey modeling clay. Here is a picture of the somewhat gimped little chocobo I made, posing alongside my beloved mug.

The other photos didn't turn out so well. This is my trio of
Harvest Moon animals -- very small puppy, cow and chicken (with yellow babies)! The chicken's red face and comb turned a shade brown in the oven from being baked far too long, but it looks at least somewhat nicer than the picture gives it credit for.

My tiny companion cube cell phone strap (shown here unhooked) is so small it was hard to get a clear picture, but I gave it a college try.
Now, SVGL readers are seeing these images "in advance" -- they're set to run alongside this week's upcoming Aberrant Gamer. Why, you ask? Well, you've seen my recent posts.
My "holiday photos" feature a Companion Cube. I
made a book about
Phantasy Star II when I was eight. And I spent my holiday break... making video game clay animals. What do
you think?