So I bit the bullet and bought a PS3 over the weekend. I had to go to four places -- currently, it seems that only the 40-gigs are still hanging out at retailers, but I ended up finding an 80, which is something, at least.
I put off buying it for the longest time for all the reasons you've heard a million times bandied about hysterical forums. Now that I have it, though, I'm in love. It's swank. Stunningly quiet, dizzyingly fast, utterly elegant and efficient. I didn't realize that it had the same UI as the PSP, but it does, and the overall relationship between the two makes me quite happy. My PSP saved my tail on Friday last week when my laptop power cord lit on fire and the battery's dead until the new adapter comes -- was able to check some email from it and keep on top of work things. The PSP was another purchase I was semi-reluctant to make, in light of the monopoly the DS had on my hands, but now I find I play it as much, if not more, than the DS.
I also don't like large controllers. I despised the N64 and Gamecube controllers, and always loved the Playstation ergonomics. My big issue with playing things on Xbox tends to come down to that huge controller with its asymmetrical analog sticks and those big triggers -- hey, I have small hands. When I played the Beautiful Katamari demo, it literally created an ache in the bones on the backs of my hands. Getting that DualShock shape back in my hands is nice, really nice.
But anyway, I bought this sleek, elegant thing that is so shiny I can see my face in it because it makes multiplatform reviews a little easier. It's tough sometimes to get Xbox 360 SKUs to review -- everyone grabs them up first. This weekend, I'm working on my Devil May Cry 4 review. Won't say anything much ahead of my review, of course, except for Nero is cute. Really cute. I mean, he's a Devil May Cry protagonist, so he's insouciant and cocky and acrobatic, but thus far he's not nearly as ludicrously over-the-top in the bad-ass department as Dante has been. While it'd be a stretch to call any characters in the franchise really "believable," Nero's got a pleasant understatedness about him. And I like that his galpal, Kirie or something, has a real girl's face and body. Looks human, which is rare for girls in games.
So. Watch the superbowl, or play DMC4 (which doesn't come out until Wednesday)? Hmm, let me think about that one, now. [Go Giants]
[Update: Too bad, Boston. Aww. New York still wuvs you. Not! Bring on MLB!]