I'm recommending you a time killer, of course, because I'm heading out to San Francisco for GDC this weekend and will be there all next week, likely in a lather of busy (and fun, of course). I have no idea what sort of time I'll have to blog, but I estimate it won't be too much, so it's quite possible I won't update until the whole works is over. God, I know, it'll be hard.
Of course, all our coverage will be at Gamasutra and Worlds in Motion, so if you want to know what's going on at the show and what we're up to, you can always check in there.
Let's see, what else can you do? I have almost a year of archives in the right-hand sidebar; as of now, actually, I'm five days shy of a year since my first clumsy, disjointed post here, back in the day when I wasn't sure what I wanted to say or how I wanted to say it. I'm so happy with the support from the readers here and all the ways you encourage and inspire my articles -- thanks so much.