On "Fox News Watch" last night, panelist Jim Pinkerton was nice enough to take note of my April 14 prediction that Reverend Jeremiah Wright would seek to sabotage Barack Obama's presidential campaign. As Pinkerton put it:
There's another story, of course, which all of us in the cable news world are going to have to look forward to. I saw it on a blog called The Cable Game where it made the point that Reverend Wright, Jeremiah Wright, has an enormous stake in Obama losing. He's been saying for half a century that white people are terrible. And now, if Obama wins the election, then obviously America is not so bad. If Obama loses he says "see I told you."
Needless to say, Mark Finkelstein and Tim Graham of Newsbusters got the whole story--including a shocking admission, from Pinkerton's fellow panelist, Jane Hall, a nice as well as honest liberal, that Obama's connection to Wright is much worse than Michael Dukakis's connection to Willie Horton back in the 1988 presidential campaign.
And so too, of course, as he always does, in re: anything Fox-related, did Johnny Dollar.