Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but still one has to ask: What was CNN's Richard Quest doing cruising around Central Park that got him arrested at 3:40 am on Friday morning?
The cops say that he had crystal meth in his pocket. How did it get there? And what, in any case, was Quest doing in Central Park, two hours and 40 minutes after the park's curfew?
Just what sort of investigative journalism was ramblin' Richard seeking to score?
UPDATE: The Cable Gamer was way behind on this story, in its full juicy detail. The New York Post reports a considerably different version of that story. It turns out, according to the NYP, that Quest didn't have meth in his pocket. He had something else in his pocket--or maybe out of his pocket, if you get my drift and I think you do.
The Cable Gamer is easily shocked, and it would cause her palpitations to actually try to describe the case as the Post, described it, so I will just cut-and-paste and let you decide:
CNN personality Richard Quest was busted in Central Park early yesterday with with some drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said.
Now go figure. The truth will eventually come out, one supposes, because the cops presumably photographed all this, whatever it is.
But Noel Sheppard, of the invaluable media-critic site Newsbusters , noted the relative silence about this story, all day Saturday, and a great point: what would have happened if this had been, say, a Fox News reporter?