That's the headline atop Felix Gillette's piece in The New York Observer. I report, you decide!
The liberal media, of course, worship The New York Times. And so liberal media-tors have a hard time coming to grips with the reality that many, if not most, Americans dislike the Times. One might assume that a few cold reality-splashes in the face would cure the liberals of this infatuation, but it never seems to happen--the libs keep drinking the Times koolaid.
Heck, even Mrs. Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has jumped ship--but you can always count on MSNBC to bring up the liberal rear, in politics, and in ratings.
Here's Gillette's report:
On Monday, MSNBC kicked off The New York Times Special Primary Edition, a new irregularly recurring daytime political show hosted by John Harwood in which Times scribes chew over news from the campaign trail.
So how did the show's premier do?
Not great!
According to Nielsen data, "The New York Times Special Primary Edition," finished fourth among cable news networks in the 2 P.M. time slot.
Here are the numbers in terms of total viewers:
(1) FOX News Channel – 873,000
(2) CNN – 508,000
(3) CNBC – 401,000
(4) MSNBC (New York Times)– 271,000
(5) Headline News – 199,000
The show's debut put up similarly lackluckster numbers among viewers aged 25-54:
(1) FNC – 205,000
(2) CNN – 185,000
(3) CNBC – 135,000
(4) HLN – 101,000
(5) MSNBC (New York Times) – 101,000
So Fox beats MSNBC by triple in overall ratings and double "in the demo." Heck, even CNN kills 'em.