Time magazine media writer James Poniewozik is one of those critics that The Cable Game has never been able to peg.
I mean, one sort of assumes that he's a liberal, because he formerly worked at the hard-lefty Salon.com before joining the soft-lefty Time. But pieces such as this, headlined, "Keith Olbermann Blows Last Remaining Gasket," make me admire him for his independence, at minimum. (Maybe Poniewozik fooled his bosses as he worked his way up, and now they're stuck with him! Or maybe Poniewozik is a sincere liberal who is simply embarrassed that Keith Olbermann has come to represent left-liberalism in its war against not only the Republican Party, but also against moderate Democrats.)
But hey, I only speculate, you decide. Here's Poniewozik reacting to Olbermann's bullying, bloviating, blow-up at Hillary Clinton the other night on his MSNBC show: "Olbermann is edging ever-closer to self-parody, or, worse, predictability."