Market Watch's Jon Friedman is one of The Cable Gamer's favorite media columnists. He is fair-minded, and he also seems like a nice guy, to wit, this good-natured--maybe even a little schmaltsy--valedictory piece about CNN's Myron Kandel.
But if Friedman declares himself to be "mystified" by Anderson Cooper's appeal, as he does here, well, I can help him with that question.
Three reasons.
First, CNN has spent tens of millions to promote him. Somebody at CNN/Time Warner loves him, if you get my drift, and so they spared no expense to make him a star. It worked for Marion Davies, pictured above, for awhile, because she was much beloved by another media mogul, William Randolph Hearst. And it's working now for La Anderson.
Oh, and by the way, there is no second or third reason for Cooper's success.
Many parallels, indeed, between the winsome but not overly talented Davies--who had her talents!--and the winsome but not overly talented Cooper.