The Cable Gamer is now determined to unravel the mystery as to why The Huffington Post is so hostile to Keith Olbermann. Did Keith say something unkind to Arianna Huffington? Did KO hit on some HuffPo staffer? Or is HP just appalled by the nightly truckbomb of bombast on "Countdown"? Or is it just that HP is looking for the maximum sensationalism, with every posting, even if such sensationalism is aimed at a fellow lefty! Inquiring Cable Gamers want to know!
Surely somebody has to explain headlines such as this doozy: "Olbermann 'More Like His Fox Counterpart Than He Would Care To Admit': Variety." (See screen grab above.)
Now the words that Huffpo pulled out from Brian Lowry's story in Variety are perfectly accurate, but those words, cited above, do not appear in the Variety headline. Instead, Variety chose softer words: "Olbermann-O'Reilly feud spreads/Parent companies embroiled in grudge match."
So again, let's compare Huffpo's header:
"Olbermann 'More Like His Fox Counterpart Than He Would Care To Admit': Variety."
To the original, which appeared in Variety:
"Olbermann-O'Reilly feud spreads/Parent companies embroiled in grudge match."
Obviously The Huffington Post's header is much harsher. Somebody at HP sat around and torqued up the Variety story.
Now let's think about that, fellow Cable Gamers: Why would Huffpo take a perfectly good headline Variety headline and heat it up like that? HP must realize that such headline-heating will infuriate the notoriously thin-skinned Olbermann. Surely it won't be long now before KO singles out AH for one of his many "worst person in the world" awards.
So why? Why?
Someone please explain it to me!