If you believe those ludicrous sorts of books marketed aggressively toward females age 20-40, you need only "speak your wishes into the universe" to have them answered. Apparently the universe has heard me in my last post, because this morning Gamasutra has some relievingly honest thoughts from Braid designer Jon Blow about why he wishes there were fewer Xbox Live Arcade certification requirements.
He also says he probably will never make a sequel to Braid, because he doesn't care about money, and that he wasn't interested in releasing Braid dashboard theme stuff under the old layout because having a Burger King ad flashing in your face ruins immersion.
It's rather nice to hear someone talk about their experiences honestly without the fear of reprisal from suits. One of the advantages to being independent, one supposes.
And speaking of Braid, get up from the computer, turn on the Xbox and download it, seriously. Like, what's wrong with you? Shoo!
That's David Hellman's dreamy promo art for the game, by the way. I really love when people find a way to be genuine in this industry -- not just through what they say, but what they conceptualize and produce.