The Cable Gamer watched it, but Newsbusters' Geoffrey Dickens got the tape. The tape, that is, of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews vying to be the most pro-Obama suck-ups.
And the winner is... Matthews! Not only does he praise Obama to the skies, but he directly addressed the criticism he received from NBC legend Tom Brokaw, who said that Matthews and Olbermann had "gone too far" in their championing of Obama. Olbermann, surprisingly enough, has been restrained in response to Brokaw's criticism, at least in public, but Matthews couldn't resist firing right back last night, saying, "You know I've been criticized for saying he inspires me and to hell with my critics!"
That means you, Tom.
Here's the transcript:
OLBERMANN: For 42 minutes not a sour note and spellbinding throughout in way usually reserved for the creations of fiction. An extraordinary political statement....I'd love to find something to criticize about it. You got anything?
MATTHEWS: No. You know I've been criticized for saying he inspires me and to hell with my critics!
Brokaw will survive, of course, his good name intact--he has put plenty of distance between himself and the Obamaholics who have taken over MSNBC.
And that's where the real inferno, of course, continues to burn--at MSNBC.