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Exercise in Futility

Written By mista sense on Monday, August 25, 2008 | 11:56 AM

So, even though I'm no longer on staff at Kotaku, I contribute a monthly column over there. This seems to be a really hard concept for many people to wrap their minds around, as far as I can tell, as today's column has provoked just as many "OMG YOU ARE BACK AT KOTAKU?!" emails as it has responses on the subject matter.

I think I'll just pretend I'm omnipresent and continue to work full time at every publication in which my byline has ever appeared.

Anyway, this is my first monthly, and the subject matter is Douglas Stanley's Invaders! exhibit from Leipzig. Which I think is pretty crass and upsetting, for the record, but I also think we have a lot to learn from it. See what you think.

Header pic credit goes to Kotaku, as you can probably tell by the watermark -- but I realize it can't hurt to be extra-specific about some things!

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