This means I will, once I get settled, resume Aberrant Gamer at GameSetWatch, and I'm also fortunate enough to be invited to contribute a monthly cultural story at Kotaku, yay! There've been a few lapses here at SVGL lately while I get acclimated, but I plan on falling into my favorite rhythm again before long.
On my last day at Kotaku, I got to do a series of cool interviews with Blizzard's Jeffrey Kaplan, game director for WoW, and Jay Wilson, lead on Diablo III, so while I prep my thoughts on Soulcalibur IV and Fatal Frame III, please check them out. I got some clarity on Blizz's stated goal of releasing a new WoW expansion every year (not necessarily); I found out what Activision Blizzard can and can't do as far as affecting the paradigm; I learned a few things about WoW's achievements (sure to make playing a more compulsive pursuit than ever); I got feedback on the Diablo III art fan freakout; discussed whether innovation is always a good thing (again, not always), and I was told that the team has an idea which game will finally break WoW's dominance (hint: their own).