Ransom Note

Written By mista sense on Monday, August 25, 2008 | 5:18 PM

Dear Sexy Videogameland readers:

I have stolen Leigh Alexander's soul. You will probably never see her again. She totally thought she hated me and made frustrated noises all throughout our first ten minutes together. But while the gears of her fevermind were busy mentally preparing her blog post all about how she just doesn't get what everyone sees in me, I just tied her up in weird-colored tendrils and techno music and sucked her in. Now I've got her. Forever.

Now I've got her mentally preparing her blog post on why she's choosing me as Game of the Year even though she really wishes they made a mode where you couldn't run out of crystals and there were no enemies so she could just swing around and make sparkles. Oh, she still shouts at me. But she's mine.


Pixeljunk Eden

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