The Cable Gamer read this article on a website called Contentagenda.com, and thought to herself, "This is a pretty good article for a website I've never heard of."
And then, on closer inspection, she see that the article is from good ol' Variety. But it's all legit: ContentAgenda.com is owned by Reed-Elsevier, the parent company of Variety. Evidently, all content these days can and will be re-purposed--"agnostic across all platforms" is the buzzword du jour.
And the same platform-agnosticism can be ascribed to the content-distributors, as well as the content-providers. As the article details, Fox broadcast will stream the premieres of two of its shows simultaneously with their broadcast. Pretty cool!
The Cable Gamer got curiouser about this phenomenon, and found
this website, which is sort of a Drudge Report for video. Even cooler!
I mean, I am not sure if this is cool with the content providers, but it's great for content consumers. And isn't that the story of the Internet overall?