The Battle of Gettysburg: See It Now!
It's possible, thanks to technology from the 19th century, now updated for the 21st century. And that's a reminder that while the cutting edge of entertainment is always moving forward, sometimes one must look backward for inspiration.
A couple of weeks ago, TCG took note of a marvelous book, Shivers Down Your Spine: Cinema, Museums, & the Immersive View, which chronicled "big" displays of art and effect, from medieval cathedrals to contemporary planetariums.
And now I read in The Washington Post that a giant cyclorama, depicting the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War, is about to be re-opened. A cyclorama is a 360 degree painting of a place or an event; the style was popular in the 19th century, until it was displaced by movies.
But it still looks pretty cool, even if it is more than a hundred years old. And what could new technology do to soup up the look? That is, if people have seen movies and TV on a flat screen, could media companies show auds what they want to see in some sort of surrounding, 360-ing, environment?
And the answer is, of course they could--they just have to want to bad enough. If they do, they will find a way.
Grim as it sounds, what could a company such as Obscura Digitaldo with news such as this?