Kyle Smith, opinionating in Sunday's New York Post, offers this funny line:
"Stop hiding your orientation, Anderson Cooper. Everyone knows you're a liberal."
Indeed. AC's liberalism was especially evident on Friday night, after the presidential debate when Cooper mockingly said of Sarah Palin, "don't hold your breath" after Wolf Blitzer wondered whether Palin would be making the press rounds like her counterpart Joe Biden.
Cooper should be careful about being too bitchy. Why? Two reasons:
First, unedited bitchiness is ultimately what got Keith Olbermann in trouble. Only the difference between KO and AC is that KO can always fall back on being a sportcaster. Whereas if AC loses his emo charm, he will lose his Middle America base. There just aren't enough downtown hipsters watching CNN to support his show if AC lets himself be, uh, outed as a liberal.
Second, two can play the bitch game. And come to think of it, two are playing.