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» More Discord at MSNBC? Say It Ain't So, TV Newser! Say It IS So, Broadcasting & Cable!
More Discord at MSNBC? Say It Ain't So, TV Newser! Say It IS So, Broadcasting & Cable!
Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 | 12:09 PM
TV Newser reports that Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, who were co-anchoring the conventions, are now going their separate ways. That is, now that Gustav has proven to be something of a fizzle, Matthews will be in Minneapolis, while Olbermann will be back in Manhattan. Interesting way to cover a convention.
TVN, of course, never puts a bad spin on anything to do with MSNBC story, but Marisa Guthrie, of Broadcasting & Cable, is not so constrained. She adds this context:
Much has been made of the tension between MSNBC anchors Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews during the Democratic National Convention in Denver last week.
“Infighting boils over,” noted the Huffington Post.
“Brawling Anchors on MSNBC,” read the Page Six headline in The New York Post. The story went on to detail not only Olbermann and Matthews’ infamous oil-and-water chemistry but a DNC dustup between anchor David Shuster, who earlier this year was suspended for saying that Chelsea Clinton was being “pimped out” on the campaign trail, and Republican congressman cum pundit Joe Scarborough.
And then this dishy comment:
So perhaps conspiracy theorists could be excused for reading something into NBC News’ decision to redirect Olbermann from St. Paul back to New York for the Republican National Convention this week.
Guthrie dutifully gets a quote from an NBC suit:
“You shouldn’t read anything into that,” said Steve Capus, president of NBC News.
But Guthrie clearly isn't buying any of it, even as she lets Capus run on a little bit:
Capus chalked up the on-air disagreements as the inevitable theatrics of opinionated people working in a highly charged environment.
“You’re bound to get some disagreements,” he said. “I think you’ve seen little things blown out of proportion.”
Why yes.
Great Cable Gaming, Marisa!