The Cable Gamer first became aware of VoterWatch.org from Dick Morris, who e-mailed around that he would be participating in a debate-watching session on the voterwatch.org site. As the site teases:
Want to Make Your Voice Heard? Now You Can.
Instead of simply displaying video content on your website or blog, you can blog, comment,link, fact-check and interact with political video.
What Morris and Voterwatch.org are offering is a form of mashup, much discussed on TCG. Mashup is part of the future: It can be used to annotate the news, add commentary and footnotes, but it can also be used for satire--you can draw horns, for example, on people you don't like.
And this is the missing element in the news: People getting to have fun with the news.
Let's face it: If we are plugged in, we already know the news by the middle of the day. After that, we want to have our say, and we want to have some fun, commenting, forwarding, mashup-ing.